Much has been said about the success of industrial progress in Aba and Nnewi in Southeast Nigeria. The manufacturing potential of this region has drawn global attention. It is home to several indigenous industrial manufacturing companies, including Nigeria’s first car and motorcycle manufacturing plants, auto parts factories, and some of the best cable manufacturers in the world. Developing and expanding the manufacturing sector in the Southeast region will lead to job creation, import substitution, strengthened exports, increased foreign investment, and a platform for innovation.

SEDC, in partnership with investors, development aid agencies, and the government of the Southeast States, will reposition the region as the hub of light and heavy manufacturing industries in Africa through the development of industrial parks and free trade zones. With the passage of the Local Content Act, which champions higher indigenous participation in the manufacturing sector, and the opportunities available from operating in a free trade zone, the Southeast region is well-positioned to become a top foreign investment destination in Africa.