Infrastructure Development Funding

It is envisioned that the proposed development fund will provide finance for infrastructure and industrial development projects. This can be achieved by proactively identifying and funding high-impact infrastructural projects that would lead to the creation of viable new industries and also drive growth in priority sectors. We create action and investment plans to raise capital, access new markets, and engage relevant authorities, companies and policymakers to ensure business opportunities for inclusive growth attract the public and private attention, oversight, resource and expertise needed to move forward.

Partnerships For Development

Combining resources and competencies in innovative ways leads to productive accomplishments. Partnerships can enable organizations achieve their own objectives through leveraging and complementing the strengths and capabilities of others. SEDC play a catalytic role in promoting partnerships across public and business sectors within and outside our borders to facilitate economic growth. SEDC partners with individuals, private sector, development aid agencies, civil societies, NGOs to advance development of the Southeast region.


SEDC addresses key regional economic development issues through advocacy to ensure and sustainability and advancement of economic activities in Southeast. Our Advocacy Team works with the government, political leaders, thought leaders, elected legislative officials to shape government policies and create conditions that will maximize the economic development potential for Southeast Nigeria. They also interact with the business community to identify priority issues for the private sector. SEDC monitors and tracks legislation and government-related issues on State and Federal levels and makes formal recommendations and proposals.

Investment & Export Promotion

Investment promotion is a joint undertaking with the governments of Southeast region. SEDC plays a role in encouraging foreign companies to invest in Southeast by implementing measures to promote the region as a viable investment destination. A part of this measure involves coordinating marketing activities and creating the right environment for smooth cooperation with the region and the investors. In close cooperation with various partners from the private sector and the network of the States’ investment promotion agencies, SEDC assist Investors in

  • Finding the ideal location for investment
  • Meeting legal and administrative requirements
  • Collaborating with local suppliers
  • Obtaining useful statistical data and business information such as macroeconomic indicators (GNP, GDP, HDI, inflation etc.), labor productivity, and investment incentives.

SEDC also provides support to local businesses in product standardization and finding export market for their products.

Human Capacity Development

Critical to improving socio-economic conditions and removing barriers to improved quality of life is building and strengthening the human capacity. At SEDC, our aim is to increase human and institutional capacity and improve performance at organizational, workgroup and individual levels. Conferences & summits, interactive workshops, seminars and related activities are frequent components of our work to address gaps in knowledge and skills. SEDC provides a broad range of programs and services designed to sustain and enhance the skills of the workforce in Southeast region. An important part of capacity development encouraged by SEDC is vocational, technical, and technology trainings; as well as specialized skills required in the Movies and Music Industries.

Strategy Development and Advisory Services

The world is changing rapidly. Geopolitical and economic balances are shifting and new multilateral and regional blocs are emerging. In this increasingly complex environment, formulating the right strategy is crucial. SEDC act as advisors, think-tanks, and strategists to governments, investors and businesses – helping them navigate complex challenges of regional economic development. We design detailed action plans and models that aligns the investors’ goals and value propositions with the government’s expectations. We analyze the most problematic constraints on economic growth and recommend concrete changes that can produce more favorable outcomes.